Doctors at Belgrave Medical
The doctors of Belgrave Medical Clinic are involved in training of GP Registrars.
The GP Registrars form a vital part of the medical team at the clinic.
Belgrave Medical Clinic is a teaching practice for the RACGP Fellowship Training Program. All doctors are Fellows of the Royal Australian College of Medical Practitioners (FRACGP).
Registrars applying for Terms GPT 1, 2, 3 or 4
Dr Dennis Gration and Dr Alexandra Romete participate in the teaching program at Belgrave Medical Clinic. All GPs are supportive and enthusiastic teachers providing many hours of formal and informal teaching during the basic term.
Formal teaching consists of allocated hours, rostered in advance.
Standard activities include:
Direct observation of the Registrar by the Supervisor
Direct observation of the Supervisor by the Registrar
Development of a Learning Plan
Orientation to the Practice
Training in the use of Clinical Software
Topic discussion
Case presentation and discussion
Chronic Disease Management
Medical record reviews
Formal feedback including review of the Registrar’s Learning Plan
Practical demonstration and supervision of commonly performed General Practice procedures.
Specific teaching in areas of special interest of the supervisors is available including:
Chronic Disease Management
Consultation skills and techniques
Recognition and management of pigmented skin lesions
Health assessments
Women’s health
Mental health and much more
Additional teaching sessions are conducted by our staff and/or Associates in their areas of expertise:
Practice Nursing
Diabetes Educator
Exercise Physiologist
FRACGP clinical examination preparation is supported by all our doctors who have attained fellowship of RACGP. Dr Dennis Gration is also an examiner for the College. Real patients, enthusiastic GPs and visiting Specialist help to make these tutorials highly stimulating and successful in enhancing the clinical examination skills of our Registrars.
Other education opportunities are available at seminars, conferences and dinners held in the area for the local medical community – there are many opportunities to meet other doctors.
Visits to local specialist in their rooms can be arranged for orientation and further teaching in areas identified in the Registrar’s Learning Plan.
Registrars are provided formal teaching leave days conducted by the RACGP in Metropolitan Melbourne.
These all day sessions provide you with opportunities to meet with other Registrars to discuss your training, clinical skills and knowledge development.